Open Source solutions in the embedded world

All the details for the next edition:
And Stay tuned to
Twitter: @embeddedrecipes
News and blog
Registration now open!
Registration is now open for Embedded Recipes 2023 and tickets can be purchased on billetweb. We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday, September 28th, and Friday, September 29th!
New dates! Embedded Recipes is now September 28-29
The dates of Embedded Recipes 2023 have changed! The new dates are: Thursday, September 28th, 2023 Friday, September 29th, 2023 This means that Embedded Recipes will now take place after Kernel Recipes (which takes place September 25 - 27). It was necessary to change...
Become a sponsor
Embedded Recipes has become a well known event in Europe, bringing core developers and thought leaders together. Our sponsors make this possible by creating the space for in-depth technical discussions and learning from each other at a small event that encourages...
What is Embedded Recipes about

Past Editions
Have a look at Embedded Recipes 2019 and Embedded Recipes 2022

2 days, around 15 talks and lighting talks.
Thank you for a great conference. Looking forward to 2020!
One of the best talks I have ever experienced at a tech-conf was the one from Helen Leigh. Combining Art and Technology and then making a tech-talk out of it. Want more of it.
Thank you so much! It is a wonderful conference