Nowadays a lot of embedded system are connected to Internet. And every years, more devices are available in the market but without maintenance. Due to this situation, a lot of security issues raised which could compromised the lifetime of the product and the privacy of their users. To fix these bugs, these security issues or to add new features, updating remotely these systems on regular basis is very important. We have to think about update process for each new product, to be easy, reliable, efficient and not too costly for the required bandwidth or hardware performances.

Several update designs are available to fit your requirements. Due to these constraints, you have to make choice and find the right balance.

Hopefully one free software allows us to perform this task in a easy and flexible way: swupdate. This solution is very well integrated with U-boot, buildroot and Yocto. You can describe exactly how the update should be done.

This talk is to explain the main designs to update an embedded system with pro and cons of all of them and then explain how to implement them with swupdate for your embedded system.

Charles-Antoine Couret, Essensium